Sunday, September 2, 2018

Brent - Official Mission Picture

Brent says this was the official mission picture. They took it in the mission home in North Carolina. 

kids at the cottages

So many of our family pictures are taken at the cottages.  Many are because my grandmother (Margaret) would take them.  I don't think David is very happy in this picture.

Sarah, David and Matthew 

Sarah and David

Labeled Sept 1988 - Sarah and David

Family at the cottages

Tonight I am going to scan and post a few pictures.  Just random but it is always better to have pictures out on the internet so some will survive if something happens to the originals.

This is my parent John and Marilyn - me  and the baby is my brother Rick.  There is no date on it.  From the size of Rick, I am thinking the summer of 1965.  

Saturday, June 23, 2018

barberi bread

Here is a picture of me in Iran. This is barberi bead. I loved it. It was very cheap and there were tons of little bakeries everywhere that sold it.  I think I miss looking young like this too though.


It wasn't very common for my grandfathers to be together. Grandpa Spink was at the store most of the time and Grandpa Poole lived in Guam and then Hawaii.

Left to Right - Louis Spink, RIck Poole, Me- Faye, Mike Poole in my lap and the Frederick Poole.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Uncle John

John Minnis was actually my dad's uncle but he was always Uncle John to me.  In some ways, I think he played grandfather to me.  Grandpa Poole was in Guam when I was a child and Grandpa Spink was busy running his business.

Tonight I am sharing two of my favorite pictures of Uncle John's family. The military took these pictures as publicity.  His family looks so happy here.  I know they had sad times ahead so I like to hold them in this happy time. Suspended in time.  Wish they could have stayed happily ever after.